Shaved Ice with Heavenly Tasting Honeydew Melon

Shaved Ice is the most popular summer dessert in Japan!
Why don’t you try it? It’s cool and refreshing in the hot season!
Enjoy it with a generous serving of our homemade syrup, made from heavenly tasting ripe domestic honeydew melon.

Available at : Cafe Harumachizaka / Tofuya Ukai Saginuma, 2nd floor
Weekdays only 13:00 – 16:00 , July 2nd – September 27th, 2024
  • JP 2,600- yen
    One drink included

  • Café HarumachizakaOpen weekdays only: 11:30-16:00
    TEL : +81-44-865-1028
    Advance booking is recommended

    In a traditional Japanese setting offering a panoramic view of a seasonal Japanese garden,as well as being able to enjoy the sight of our cascading waterfall, waterwheel and the colorful Koi carp swimming in the pond, you will be able to indulge in seasonal tofu meals and sweets at our quaint cafe on the second floor of Tofuya Ukai Saginuma.
    *Windows seats may not always be available. Seats cannot be booked in advance

とうふ屋うかい 鷺沼店―とうふ料理―

〒216-0004 神奈川県川崎市宮前区鷺沼1-18-4
TEL 044-865-1028

平 日 11:30~14:30L.O.|17:00~21:00(19:00 L.O.)
土日祝 11:00~21:00(19:00 L.O.)